Horse Nomenclature Book illustrates and describes 9 parts of a horse: horse, head, neck, forelegs, hooves, tail, hind legs, torso, and mane. The individual parts are highlighted in red.
There are two styles of books included. Style one is approx. 3¾" x 5", style two is approx. 5½” x 5½“ and requires little preparation.
This file is in PDF format$3.00
Ant Nomenclature Book illustrates and describes 18 parts of an ant: ant, head, thorax, abdomen, antennae, compound eye, mandibles, clypeus,...
Ant Nomenclature Cards are formatted in 3-part cards and include a blackline master. The 18 parts of an ant: ant,...
Anteater Nomenclature Book illustrates and describes 12 parts of an anteater: anteater, head, ears, nose, eye, tongue, forelegs, paws, hind...