Sailing Ship Nomenclature - Book

Sailing Ship Nomenclature Book illustrates and describes 23 parts of a sailing ship: ship, keel, bow, bowsprit, hold, tween deck, rudder, tiller, whipstaff, great cabin, roundhouse, steerage, forecastle, mizzen mast, mizzen sail, mainmast, main topsail, main course sail, foremast, fore-topsail, forecourse sail, spritsail, and hull.

  • book cover
  • 23 picture pages
  • 23 description pages

The ship illustration is based on the Mayflower (the year 1620) and is a nice addition to a Pilgrim unit.

There are two styles of books included. Style one is approx. 3¾" x 5", style two is approx. 5½” x 5½“ and requires little preparation.

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