Beehive Nomenclature Book illustrates and describes 10 parts of a beehive: beehive (compact), beehive (exploded), outer cover, inner cover, honey super, queen excluder, brood chamber, frame, bottom board, and hive stand.
Pages are approx. 6¾" x 4½".
This file is in PDF format.
Airliner Nomenclature Book illustrates and describes 13 parts of the airliner: airliner, flight deck, passenger cabin, tail, wings, jet engines,...
Airliner Nomenclature Cards are formatted in 3-part cards and include a blackline master. The 13 parts of the airliner are:...
Airplane Nomenclature Book illustrates and describes 14 parts of the airplane: airplane, wings, engine, fuselage, propeller, ailerons, flaps, navigation lights,...