Colored Bead Houses

Montessori colored bead bars (1-10) are used to create the addition combinations for each number from 1 to 10. The color of each house corresponds to the colors of the Montessori beads. The houses can be used with bead bars (cut out the rectangular boxes to hold them in place), the children can draw their own bars in the rectangular boxes, or they can color the blank bead bars. Check the combinations using the control cards/answer cards.


  • 10 blank colored bead houses
  • 10 blank colored bead houses (number written at the top)
  • 10 blank bead houses with blank beads
  • 10 colored bead houses with blank beads
  • 10 colored bead houses with colored beads (control cards/answer cards)

Each house is printed on a letter-size paper. The houses are sized from 3½" x 7½" (house 1) to 9½" x 7½" (house 10).

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